Diseases of the Goldfinch

When caring for our goldfinch, we must be alert to changes in behavior or eating habits because they may indicate that the animal has a disease. The most common with which you can find the owner of one of these birds are the following:

- False move or moves abnormally: The main symptom of this disease is that the animal loses the feathers and down outside their usual time of molting. The cure is to provide a varied diet rich in water and administer a multivitamin supplement.

- Pneumonia: It is easy to detect when the goldfinch has it, especially as your breathing becomes difficult, keeps the mouth open to breathe better and by the peak mucus appears.

This disease usually contract when the animal has been exposed to the flow, temperature changes or if the cage is placed in high humidity. In these cases is essential to place the animal in a warm and quiet and provide a multiple vitamin and antibiotic that shows us the vet.

- Coccidiosis: If we look at our goldfinch has bloody diarrhea, visibly thinner and flows through the mouth drooling we immediately take him to the vet, because coccidiosis can kill the animal within four days of the onset of symptoms. This disease is usually transmitted by drinking water or eating foods that are contaminated by the saliva of infected animals. As we notice the symptoms the animal isolate, disinfect the cage and carefully administering the treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

- External parasites: When they infest the bird, the animal is nervous, often scratch and lose feathers: In this case we must thoroughly clean the cage, especially applying parasiticides sticks and indicated by the veterinarian.
